
Dads on leave – panel discussion on fatherhood and gender equality

17 Dhjetor, 2018 Lajmet e YMI-të

It has been a great pleasure for us to cooperate in the preparation and realization of the panel discussion “Dads on leave: what can employers do?” organized by IKEA Serbia. 

“How to explain this to my son?”

15 Dhjetor, 2018 Lajmet e YMI-të

On December 14th, the premiere of the new Center E8 theater play directed by Vojislav Arsic “How to explain this to my son?” was held at the Youth Theater in Novi Sad in front of a full audience.

“Be a man – React as Human” – action in Belgrade held on 5 December 2018

5 Dhjetor, 2018 Lajmet e YMI-të

Centre E8 and “Be a Man” Club held a public action on 5 December in Saint Sava Grammar School with the goal of familiarizing students of this school with our messages, values and slogans related to the prevention of violence and promotion of gender equality.

Use of theater in education – prevention of violence, radicalism and extremism in 3 cities in Serbia

4 Dhjetor, 2018 Rajonale dhe Ndërkombtare

In order to prevent violence, radicalism and extremism, the Centre E8 organized three workshops, i.e. performances with discussions with young people in the period from 27 to 29 November, in 3 cities in Serbia - Novi Pazar, Vranje and Kruƥevac.

Program Y workshops at the Faculty of Philosophy in Belgrade

4 Dhjetor, 2018 Program Y, Rajonale dhe Ndërkombtare

A group of students participated in the workshops of the Centre E8 in order to get acquainted with the methodology and various activities within the Program Y.

The Orange Day

28 Nëntor, 2018 Lajmet e YMI-të

“Be a man” Club Banja Luka again delighted its fellow citizens with a flash-mob action on the occasion of the Orange Day – International Day Against Violence Against Women. The action was held on Monday, 26 November 2018, at the Krajina Square in Banja Luka.

Training for Peer Educators in Mostar

31 Tetor, 2018 Rajonale dhe Ndërkombtare

CARE partner organization, Youth Power, organized the second training for peer educators from eight high schools in the Herzegovina-Neretva Canton in the period from 24-26 October 2018.

Youth Power Mostar in the promotion of peace

24 Shtator, 2018 Lajmet e YMI-të, Program Y, Rajonale dhe Ndërkombtare

Youth Power, CARE’s partner organization and young people who are part of the Be a man Club Mostar, together with their fellow citizens, sent messages of peace on the streets of the city of Mostar on Friday, 21 September 2018.

Second graffiti against violence in Banja Luka

24 Shtator, 2018 Program Y, Rajonale dhe Ndërkombtare

As of Monday, 24 September 2018, Banja Luka is richer for another graffiti of the "Be a Man" club Banja Luka.

I can say – it’s not OK

10 Shtator, 2018 Rajonale dhe Ndërkombtare

Center for Children Zaječar in partnership with Status M, CARE’s partner organization, organized the Erasmus+ project “I can say – it’s not OK” from 29 July to 5 August 2018.

Graffiti against violence

4 Shtator, 2018 Lajmet e YMI-të, Rajonale dhe Ndërkombtare

At the beginning of the new school year 2018/19, graffiti with the inscription "React as human, against violence" dawned on the wall of the Catering, Trade and Tourism High School in Banja Luka.

Presentation of the results of our work at the 5th conference “Zero tolerance to violence in schools”

2 Shtator, 2018 Lajmet e YMI-të, Rajonale dhe Ndërkombtare

On 29 August 2018, Youth Power, CARE's partner organization, was part of the organizing team of the conference "Zero tolerance to violence in schools" at the Cultural Center Mostar.

Podrơka mladićima i dječacima u kriznim situacijama

22 Gusht, 2018 Gallery

Kao odgovor na humanitarnu krizu na Balkanu od 2015.godine, CARE International Balkans obezbjeđuje humanitarnu pomoć izbjeglicama i migrantima na njihovom putu kroz Srbiju ka evropskim zemljama. CARE u saradnji sa partnerskim organizacijama redovno obezbjeđuje hranu, smjeơtaj, vodu, i sve drugo ơto je neophodno.

Përfshirja e Burrave dhe Djemve në Emergjenca

22 Gusht, 2018 Fushata

Si pĂ«rgjigje ndaj krizĂ«s humanitare tĂ« shpĂ«rfaqur nĂ« Ballkan, prej vitit 2015, CARE Internacional nĂ« Ballkan ofron asistencĂ« urgjente humatire pĂ«r refugjatĂ«t dhe migrantĂ«t kur ata kalojnĂ« nĂ«pĂ«rmjet SerbisĂ« nĂ« rrugĂ«n e tyre drejt shteteve tĂ« Bashkimit Evropian. CARE, nĂ« bashkĂ«punim me organizatat partnere, siguron ushqim, ofron strehĂ« dhe gjĂ«sende tjera jo-ushqimore, ofron ujĂ«, sanitari, […]

Our members active during summer as well

6 Gusht, 2018 Lajmet e YMI-të, Rajonale dhe Ndërkombtare

Youth Power, CARE partner organization, in the period from 19 July to 2 August 2018, organized BMC summer program for young people.

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