MAN2019: Understanding and Preventing Violent Extremism

1 Korrik, 2019 Lajmet e YMI-të, Rajonale dhe Ndërkombtare

We are pleased to share with you on this occasion complete lectures and discussions from the conference “MAN2019: Understanding and Preventing Violent Extremism”. We want to express our greatest gratitude to these exceptional experts whose lectures and presentations can be seen below, by clicking on individual links.

We think that we have gathered great speakers at this year’s Conference and that this content is truly worth sharing, all with the goal of further learning and understanding of these extremely important topics, as well as the further development of appropriate content and prevention programs and the fight against violence and extremism.

We hope that these materials will be interesting and useful to you, and we invite you to share them with your associates. The site is, of course, still active and will serve us for the future adding the contents, as well as for all future conferences. Best regards and I hope to see you at the next, jubilee 10th MAN Conference!

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