
Perception of Gender Relations and Influence on Young People in BiH

The primary focus and purpose of the PLA research are to identify attitudes and norms related to gender and masculinity that contribute to the development of violent and other risky behaviors among young people in Bosnia and Herzegovina.

1.34 MB • Institute for Population and Development, 2023

Program M - Macedonian Version

Прирачникот за момчиња (Прирачник М): Родов пристап за градење животни вештини за здрав преод кон машкоста, прирачник за обука изготвен од CARE International во соработка со Институт Промундо, Статус: М, Центар Е8, Перпетуум Мобиле, Здружение XY и Иницијативи за употреба од едукатори, младински работници и други професионалци кои работат со млади мажи и е важен придонес за оние кои работат за поддршка на здрав развој на младите

2.23 MB • CARE International Balkans 2023

Program Y Workbook

The workbook for high school students participating in "Program Y - Youth" methodology is a tool developed by CARE International Balkans and partners, which focuses on solving issues of gender inequality, practices that are harmful to health, as well as violence in the daily life of young men and women aged 14 to 19 in schools and the community.

1.90 MB • CARE Balkans, 2023

Program Y - Practical Manual for Educators

The idea for creating this practical manual/toolkit for educators is based on facilitating the process of preparation and implementation of educational workshops from Program Y, and understanding why certain things are done in a certain way, along with a handful of practical tips collected for more than 15 years of experience of project staff in implementing workshops in BiH and the countries of the region, professors, pedagogues, teachers and peer educators.

1.83 MB • 2023, CARE International Balkans

Program Y Impact Study

The objective of the impact study is to discover the changes that occurred in during Program Y implementation in terms of the perceptions, attitudes, and behaviors of young people in the period from 2014 until 2020 in key program areas: (1) gender attitudes; (2) violence prevention; (3) sexual and reproductive health; (4) alcohol and drug abuse; and (5) the prevention of sexual violence, as a result of the direct engagement of CARE and its partners.

6.29 MB • 2023, CARE International Balkans

Program Y: Fact Sheets - Impact Study Research

Summary of most important data in Impact Study for Program Y

14.29 MB • 2023, CARE International Balkans

Program E

Comprehensive approaches in the prevention of gender-based violence and the promotion of healthy lifestyles through the development of life skills of primary school students

9.88 MB • 2022-03, CARE International Balkans

Baseline Assesment Report

Young Men Initiative – Promoting Healthier Lifestyles among Youth in Bosnia and Herzegovina by Chal- lenging Gender Stereotypes, Phase III or Young Men Initiative III (YMI III) project builds upon CARE ́s com- prehensive and programmatic effort to fight interper- sonal and gender-based violence (GBV) as well as to improve gender equality in Bosnia and Herzegovina.

2.58 MB • 2022-01, CARE International

Y+ Manual

The Manual Y+ is intended for professionals and youth workers working with young people at risk in civil society organizations or institutions. Young people at risk is a general term for a number of circumstances that put young people in a more vulnerable position due to problematic behaviors such as substance abuse, school failure and juvenile delinquency, along with mental health disorders such as depression and anxiety More specifically in the context of this Manual, risks relate to behavioral problems and risks in the environment, which encourage radicalization and gender discrimination

1.24 MB • 2022, CARE International Balkans


The Program Y – Youth Manual is a training manual that aims to promote gender equality and healthy lifestyles with young men and women by addressing some of the social constructions of masculinity (ies) and feminity(ies) as a strategy for building important life skills in young men and young women as they emerge into young adulthood.

10.03 MB • 2020-11, CARE International Balkans

Social Campaigns in the Prevention of Violence and Health Care

Within the Program Y - Social Campaigns in the Prevention of Violence and Health Care, we have presented to you concrete knowledge, tools and examples of how to effectively act on the level of your school in order to change behaviors and attitudes of young people on the issue of violence, healthy lifestyles, drugs and abuse of psychoactive substances, gender identity and parenthood. All examples given in this Manual are examples and lessons learned from years of experience in working on these issues.

6.10 MB • 2020-11, CARE International Balkans

Monitoring and Evaluation

To ensure high implementation standards, objective analysis, continuous feedback as well as enhance learning opportunities and further development of the Program Y in high schools, it is highly recommended that monitoring and evaluation is conducted on a regular basis. Monitoring and evaluation are integral parts of the program and it is recommended that school staff assign one of its members to monitor and evaluate the program throughout, starting from its beginning.

135.09 KB • 2020-11, CARE International Balkans

Fundraising for Schools

Nowadays fundraising has become pure science with a very comprehensive methodology and concrete guidelines that can teach you how to become a successful fundraiser. But what if you are a teacher in a school, doing school based projects with no budget for extra-curricular activities but with great motivation to succeed? This short toolkit might support you in your mission.

87.58 KB • 2020-11, CARE International Balkans

COVID 19 Digital Response Case Study

In 2020, YMI’s approach demonstrated its resilience to crisis and ability to adapt to the specific circumstances of target groups. The case study captures and documents the process of YMI’s adaptation to the COVID-19 pandemic during the period March-July 2020 and represents a unique contribution and source for other organizations that are going through the same process of adaptation.

14.48 MB • 2020-11, CARE International

Program Y Scaling Up Case Study – How to Transform a Transformation

The Case study is capturing core elements of different scaling up models used by local partners and CARE in different contexts to implement the Program Y – Youth –– Innovative Approaches in GBV Prevention and Healthy Lifestyle Promotion for Young Men and Women in Albania, Serbia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Kosovo* and Croatia.

21.58 MB • 2020-10, CARE International

Policy Brief - Program Y - Program for Healthy and Safe Growing Up of Youth

The Program Y policy brief offers basic information on key aspects of the development, implementation and integration of the science-based educational curriculum of Program Y into formal education in the Balkans.

333.92 KB • 2020-09, CARE International

FactSheet - PROGRAM Y

CARE’s gender transformative education program (YMI – Young Men Initiative) has been a documented success in the Western Balkans. The heart of YMI is Program Y which is focused on transforming the school environment to one that supports and nurtures gender equality and promotes a culture of non-violence.

325.83 KB • 2020-09, CARE International

FactSheet - BE A MAN CLUB

Be a Man clubs are established as clubs of high school students who are engaged in a creative way in the design and implementation of the "Be a Man" campaign and represent its most significant part. Be a Man clubs are not clubs that only include young men; these clubs include equally young men and women, with the goal of building healthy lifestyles for all of them.

502.80 KB • 2020-09, CARE International

FactSheet - Public Opinion Poll on Life Skills Education in the Balkans

Life Skills Education is urgently needed in the formal education in the Balkans to build skills of the future generations to develop healthy relationships based on gender equality, to understand their physical and emotional development and to address all forms of violence in their everyday lives.

197.87 KB • 2020-09, CARE International

Policy Brief - Program Y - Evidence and implications

The Program Y policy brief offers information on the relevance of introducing programs based on the development of life skills and an overview of the key results achieved through the implementation of the comprehensive health promotion and violence prevention program – Young Men Initiative. The results presented in this document are extracted from evaluation studies conducted in Serbia, Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia and Kosovo*.

181.96 KB • 2020-09, CARE International

Working with Youth at Risk in the Balkans, A Case Study on Program Y+

The case study scrutinizes the process of development and piloting of the model for the prevention of youth radicalization and extremism (Program Y+) that was conducted within the YMI project, capturing core impact elements on youth, parents, teachers, and other relevant stakeholders/community members.

5.27 MB • 2020-09, CARE International

Summary of the Endline Evaluation Report

Young Men Initiative – Promoting Healthier Lifestyles among Youth in Bosnia and Herzegovina by Challenging Gender Stereotypes II or Young Men Initiative II (YMI II) project builds upon CARE ́s comprehensive and programmatic effort to fight interpersonal and gender-based violence (GBV) as well as to improve gender equality in Bosnia and Herzegovina and address preventative issues related to youth extremism and violence.

9.47 MB • 2020-07, CARE International Balkans

Endline Evaluation Report

Young Men Initiative – Promoting Healthier Lifestyles among Youth in Bosnia and Herzegovina by Challenging Gender Stereotypes II or Young Men Initiative II (YMI II) project builds upon CARE ́s comprehensive and programmatic effort to fight interpersonal and gender-based violence (GBV) as well as to improve gender equality in Bosnia and Herzegovina and address preventative issues related to youth extremism and violence.

4.34 MB • 2020-07, CARE International

Summary of Endline Evaluation Report

The Endline Assessment was carried out to contribute to a comprehensive understanding of the overall project progress, focusing on changes in knowledge, attitudes, and behaviors related to gender-based violence, gender equality, healthy lifestyles amongst young men and young women from Serbia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Albania and Kosovo* who participated in ‘Program Y’ in target schools in the period 2018-2020.

9.15 MB • 2020-07, CARE International

Corona Crisis: Survival Kit for Men under pressure

It is our profession to support and accompany men. We know from experience that crisis situations increase the risk of losing control and becoming violent. With this survival kit, we want to help you stay calm during the Corona crisis.

1.47 MB • 2020-03, MenCare Switzerland

Brochure: Program promoting gender equality, non-violence and healthy lifestyles

The core of the YMI intervention is a series of group educational workshops accompanied with social norms campaign that promote a critical and personal reflection on gender, masculinities and health, with a strong focus on violence prevention.

8.82 MB • 2020, CARE International Balkan

Educational Toolkit for Teachers

Youth – Innovative Approaches in GBV Prevention and Healthy Lifestyle Promotion for Young Men and Women

15.54 MB • 2018-12, Predstavništvo CARE Serbia u Beogradu

Baseline evaluation report

The baseline assessment was carried out to contribute to a comprehensive understanding of attitudes amongst young men and women (including marginalized groups such as Roma and other marginalized youth, parents, teachers and youth generally) within Bosnia and Herzegovina society participating in the program toward gender-based violence, gender equity and healthy lifestyles, in the project inception phase, to work-out lessons learned and to provide recommendations for further action.

1.73 MB • 2018-06, CARE International

Teaching manual: A handbook for intercultural learning

This manual was originally developed as part of the school integration project KIWI by CARE Germany e.V. and represents a holistic programme aimed at promoting the ability of students to integrate. At the same time, it serves to strengthen the integration culture of schools as a vehicle for welcome and integration classes.

44.09 MB • 2018-05, CARE Germany e.V.

Engaging Young Men and Boys in Emergencies

Guidelines for Addressing Basic Needs of Young Men and Boys in Crisis Situations. This manual outlines CARE’s experience in working with young male migrants and serves as a guiding tool for frontline workers, mediators, and educators in their work with young men with a migration background.

7.01 MB • 2018-03, CARE International Balkans

On the road to Europe - PLA

Gender norms among young men in the migrant community in Serbia. This participative qualitative study was conducted as a part of “Welcome Initiative for Migrant Youth” project that aims to provide adequate protection for young migrants – unaccompanied minors settled in the reception centers in the South of Serbia, through educational workshops and awareness raising in issues like healthy lifestyles, non-violent solution to conflicts, gender equality, positive masculinity, counter-trafficking, and others. The project is implemented by CARE International Balkans in partnership with Nexus from Vranje, Center E8 from Belgrade and supported by ADH Germany.

4.31 MB • 2018, Care

Baseline Evaluation Report

The baseline assessment was carried out to contribute to a comprehensive understanding of attitudes amongst young men and women (including marginalized groups such as Roma and other marginalized youth, parents, teachers and youth generally) within Bosnia and Herzegovina society participating in the program toward gender-based violence, gender equity and healthy lifestyles, in the project inception phase, to work-out lessons learned and to provide recommendations for further action.

17.46 MB • 2018, CARE International

Call for offer for final evaluation

CARE International Balkans is announcing open call for offer for Final Evaluation of the Regional Project: “Boys and Men as Allies in Violence Prevention and Gender Transformation in the Western Balkans – Young Men Initiative (YMI)” for possitions: The Leading evaluator and the Assisting evaluator – indivudal experts can apply for specific possition or evaluators teams.

945.01 KB • 2017-07, CARE International Balkans

SDC Baseline Evaluation Report

The project’s overall goal is to increase the uptake of healthy, nonviolent and gender equitable lifestyles among young men and women in Bosnia and Herzegovina. The overall objective of the base line evaluation is to assess and to measure understanding and attitudes of main beneficiaries group toward gender based violence...

683.15 KB • 2017-07

Gender Sensitization Manual on Media Reporting

One of the most enduring prejudices in most societies is the gender disparity reflected in the socio-economic and political spheres of life, which limit the types of roles and responsibilities that women can take. This disparity is perpetuated and aggravated by the portrayal of women in the print and electronic media, which is a powerful tool with far-reaching impact and influence on the human psyche.

935.81 KB • 2017-07

Program T - A Manual for Engaging Men in Fatherhood, Caregiving, and Maternal and Child Health

Program T ("T" for "Tata" BHS languages meaning "Father") is a direct and targeted response to the need for concrete strategies and action steps to engage men in active fatherhood globally from pregnancy until early childhood

8.81 MB • 2017, REDMAS | Promundo | EME | CARE

IMAGES: International Men and Gender Equality Survey

The IMAGES Serbia study addresses key issues in the field of men and gender equality, which include partner relations, the dynamics of family relationships, and the key health and social aspects of men. This report provides key survey findings using the IMAGES methodology which was developed by Promundo and International Center for Research on Women. The study has included quantitative and qualitative research components. The quantitative research was carried out on a nationally representative sample of 1060 men and 540 women 18-60 years old. Data collection was carried out in November and December 2017. Read more...

565.81 KB • 2017, Promundo and International Center for Research on Women

From young to experienced father

The purpose of the guide "From young to experienced father" is to familiarize, in a simple and clear way, young men with the role, responsibility and challenges that fathers are faced with and how to accomplish and overcome all those challenges in an optimal way. Numerous pieces of information and advice in this guide certainly apply to both parents, but they are primarily intended for current and future fathers.

5.64 MB • 2017, Care International Balkan

State of the World’s Fathers – Balkan Review

The subject of the review is the current policy and practice in promotion of healthy, equitable, nonviolent parenting practices and specific gender equality patterns, and thus active fathering and caregiving, as well as division of labor within the households, in Croatia, Serbia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Kosovo and Albania. Through the work with the Men Care campaign, CARE sought to promote men’s involvement as equitable, nonviolent fathers and caregivers in order to achieve family well-being, gender equality, and better health for mothers, fathers, and children.

3.60 MB • 2017, CARE International

Program Y

The Manual for educators in high schools and youth workers “Program Y - Youth“ is a tool that was developed out of the Young Men Initiative by CARE International Balkans and its collaborative partners from Western Balkans countries focused on addressing gender inequalities, harmful health practices and violence in everyday life with young men and young women age from 14 till 19 in schools and the community.

10.49 MB • 2016, CARE International Balkans

Social Media and Arts Case Study

CARE International and partners from Croatia, Serbia, Kosovo and Bosnia & Herzegovina present 4 case studies of how social media and the arts were utilized to support gender transformation with the young men initiative. This case study shows different mediums and approaches one can consider in engaging with youth on gender equality issues.

2.36 MB • 2015-03, YMI & Care

SIGI-Brochure EOCD

The SIGI report presents a detailed analysis of the region on its efforts toward gender equality and women's empowerment. The young men initiative is listed as a good practice within the report in addressing violence against women (page 39).

2.03 MB • 2015, OECD

IMPACT 2014 November

Welcome to the Fall 2014 edition of IMPACT Magazine. As we enter this season of giving, I would like to extend my heartfelt gratitude for your loyalty and friendship. Since our founding in 1945, helping families and communities around the world has been at the heart of CARE’s mission, but we could not do this work without your support. Your partnership has driven our success as one of the world’s best and longest running humanitarian organizations, and has helped position us to continue making an impact for decades to come.

2.63 MB • 2014-11, CARE

Understanding Men and Masculinities in Balkans

About the Young Men Initiative: From 2007 to present, the Western Balkan Gender-Based Violence prevention program – Young Men Initiative (YMI) – has been working to build more gender equitable attitudes and behaviors among young men and decrease both violence by young men (against young women) and peer violence (violence by young men against other young men) in Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, and Serbia. In addition from 2010 YMI expanded into Kosovo and from 2013 into Albania.

2.53 MB • 2014-09, YMI Literature Review

CARE Policy Brief

CARE International welcomes the convening of a Global Summit to End Sexual Violence in Conflict in June 2014. We acknowledge that justice for survivors has been woefully inadequate and recognise the important focus on impunity and the launch of the new protocol to document and prosecute sexual violence.

179.34 KB • 2014-06, London, UK

Making the Case Summary of Baseline Characteristics in Six YMI Project Sites in the Western Balkans

This report synthesizes findings from baseline studies in six technical schools from across the region: one in Sarajevo (Bosnia and Herzegovina), one in Zagreb (Croatia), and two each in Belgrade (Serbia) and Prishtina (Kosovo). The findings included here come only from baseline datasets, and are intended to provide a snapshot of the young men participating in the YMI project in different locations rather than any potential effect of program activities.

296.42 KB • 2013-05

YM Executive Summar

Coordinated by CARE International Balkans, implemented by collaborating institutions in four countries, and evaluated by the International Center for Research on Women (ICRW), YMI seeks to promote a lifestyle that prioritizes good health, nonviolence, and gender equality through a combination of educational workshops and community campaigns. This synthesis report provides an overview of the program’s rationale, design, and evaluation results from YMI’s implementation in vocational high schools.

1.72 MB • 2013, CARE International Balkans

Challenging Gender-based Violence Worldwide

Gender-based violence (GBV) is one of the most widespread human rights abuses in the world. Globally, one in three women will be raped, beaten, coerced into sex or otherwise abused in her lifetime. Though women and girls are overwhelmingly the targets of GBV, men and boys can also be subject to GBV, especially if they are perceived to be acting outside the prescribed social norms for males. This abuse takes place worldwide in homes, workplaces, schools and communities.

7.28 MB • 2013, CARE

Men and Gender Relations in Bosnia and Herzegovina

This scientific monograph represents the results of research conducted on key topics in gender relations in BiH. Through this research, we aimed to explore different aspects of men's lives from the perspectives of both men and women in order to contribute to the understanding of the socialisation of men in BiH and the way that the construct of manhood impacts the lives and behaviour of men as well as the family unit.

2.18 MB • 2012, Perpetuum Mobile

The Young Men Initiative — A Case Study 2012

This case study is a reflection of the process, achievements and results developed out of the YMI from 2007 – 2010. The program was focused on addressing gender inequalities, harmful health practices and interpersonal violence in everyday life with young men in schools and communities.

2.76 MB • 2012, CARE International NW Balkan and partners

Program M: M Manual

M Manual is a training manual that aims to promote gender equality and promote healthy lifestyles with young men by addressing some of the social constructions of masculinity (ies) as a strategy for building important life skills in young men as they emerge into young adulthood.

2.24 MB • 2011, CARE International

Exploring Dimensions of Masculinity and Violence

Gender-based violence (GBV) is a major public health problem that results in devastating effects on mental and reproductive health and emotional distress. Gender-based violence also perpetuates broader structural inequalities that limit social justice and equity.

1.86 MB • 2007-05, ICRW

CARE Balkan Gender Report

This is a report about CARE’s work to advance gender equality in the Balkans and what we have achieved over the past seven years. Our goal is to give account and to demonstrate our commitment to change the lives of the people we serve.

2.64 MB • 2007, PLA Report

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