
Video as a tool for online youth work

September 10, 2020 Cinema, News

As a part of its strategy for the development of online youth work, Status M launched a short video on the topic of gender. The video is targeting young people and it explains, in a simple, fun and engaging way, the difference between sex and gender and the implications of gender roles and norms on […]


August 2, 2020 News, YMI News

At the beginning of July, YMI partner organization Perpetuum Mobile has organized a joint meeting and training for trainers in the field of peer education that promotes healthy lifestyles, based on Program Y. Beside training for trainers, Perpetuum Mobile launched discussion and consultations regarding common strategic goals and project activities for the next period as […]

MAN2020 has successfully conquered online space – 10th Edition

August 1, 2020 News, YMI News

The MAN Conference is an annual event organized by the Center E8, which brings together professors, social scientists, researchers, but also activists to jointly discuss, analyze and try to deconstruct various social phenomena such as masculinity, gender inequality, violence, power relationships and violent extremism. The Conference and its participants also strive to promote gender equality, […]

BMC Mostar against drug abuse

July 31, 2020 News

CARE partner organization, Youth Power implemented a campaign as part of “International Day against Drug Abuse” on 26th of June, 2020.

Online environment as a new form of promotion of non-violent behavior and gender equality

July 31, 2020 News

Young people from the Be a Man Club Sarajevo use online tools to create positive narratives for their peers with a common goal – a non-violent environment!


July 23, 2020 News

Young people represent the most vulnerable social group, prone to developing extremist ideas and supporting extremist movements.

The first messages of the winners of #TurnOnKnowledge #TurnOffHate awards!

July 23, 2020 News

A few weeks ago, Center E8 launched the #TurnOnKnowledgeTurnOffHate campaign in collaboration with CAREinternationalá´żá´ľ i YMI – Young Men Initiative and pigeon Mirko    awarded the best participants of the quiz, in which over 400 of them participated!

We are expanding the network of experts who promote active fatherhood

July 23, 2020 News

There can be no gender equality without equal division of unpaid work which includes childcare and household chores.

What did pandemic COVID-19 teach us?

July 23, 2020 News

Pandemic COVID-19 is the most known topic which matters whole world. COVID-19 poses crucial questions which search for many answers.

Be a Man Club marked International Yoga Day with a virtual class from Bujar Prestreshi

July 21, 2020 News

Yoga is a powerful tool to deal with the stress of uncertainty and isolation that we are dealing at the moment, as well as to maintain physical well-being. Yoga embodies unity of mind and body, thought, and action by bringing us closer to the world and the nature around us.

Life Skills Education Street Action

July 21, 2020 News

Life Skills are defined as those skills needed by an individual so that he or she can function effectively in society in an active and constructive way.

Little moments of Be a Man Club!

July 21, 2020 News

After so long of being in lockdown and missing human contact, under the right measures ACT for SOCIETY Center organized the first Be a Man Club meetings in June!

Terms of Reference For Final Evaluation of the Regional Project: “Men and Boys as Partners in Promoting Gender Equality and the Prevention of Youth Extremism and Violence in the Balkans – Young Men Initiative – YMI II”

July 21, 2020 YMI News

1st October 2017 – 31st December 2020Contract no: 8305-00/2017Individual experts, companies or evaluators teams can apply Deadline for application: August 16th, 2020, 4pm CET.

World No Tobacco Day in Mostar

July 1, 2020 News, YMI News

BMC Mostar members have made it a tradition to develop some kind of a street action on 31st of May – World No Tobacco Day. This year, due to COVID-19 outbreak and measures put in place, youngsters came up with some creative ideas to raise awareness during quarantine.

Young people in TV debate competitions debated on extremism

June 25, 2020 News

Our partner organization, Perpetuum mobile – Institute for Youth and Community Development from Banja Luka has realized a really interesting and innovative activities.

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