OAK Component

“Young people as future leaders for promotion of life skills (YMI III)” project started on May 1st, 2021 and is supported by Oak Foundation.

The YMI third phase will be strongly focused on further strengthening an enabling environment for a long-term systematic solution for life skills education of elementary and high school students. All efforts will be joined to accomplish the overall goal to contribute to an enabling positive and peaceful society for young people in Bosnia and Herzegovina and Kosovo, that support gender equality and decrease interpersonal violence. 

Specific project objectives and specific results:

Objective 1

Continue implementation of Program Y in high schools and introduce the methodology into noncompulsory courses of universities in BiH and Kosovo

Expected results and outcomes:

  • At least 21 high schools in BH and 18 high schools in Kosovo implement the Programme Y and 4 schools of excellence are established
  • At least 100 (F/M) teachers and 60 (F/M) peer educators are trained (certification) and able to implement the Programme Y in the high schools. They are skilled and equipped to support adolescents in developing healthy, non-violent, gender-equitable behaviors.
  • The education systems of Kosovo and BiH have embraced and professionally apply new standards for youth development and life skills education
  • High school students in Kosovo and BiH (4.000) have increased/acquired life skills and are able to transition from adolescence to adulthood with healthy, non-violent and gender equitable attitudes
  • Guidelines for the introduction of Programme Y in the university student’s courses are developed in partnership with university staff and local partners in both countries. At least three academic institutions have integrated the Programme Y into their non-compulsory courses and at least 50 university students have participated in Programme Y workshops.
  • The teaching staff and university students are enabled to integrate the life skills education in their work based on the enhanced university programmes using Programme Y methodology

Objective 2

To mobilize communities in BiH and Kosovo to take an active role in educational policy change and strengthen local partners capacity to ensure sustainability of the Programme Y implementation.

Expected results and outcomes:

  • At least 15.000 people are reached by awareness activities and community campaigns and at least 100 stakeholders have taken part in the development and implementation of campaigns
  • Communities in BiH and Kosovo recognize the programme’s values and benefits
  • Local partner organizations have acquired solid skills and capacities and are able to act as resource centers. They are recognized as pioneer in life skills education in their countries, they have a pool of trained experts in Programme Y delivery.

For building on and going beyond the earlier achievements – the YMI phase III will specifically support educational institutions to fully adopt life skill curriculums as well as empower teachers to support young people in developing healthy, non-violent, gender equitable behavior; thereby facilitating students’ smooth transition from adolescence to adulthood. The focus is placed on ensuring the sustainability of the program and long-lasting impact on the regional educational systems. Thus, it will contribute to empowering formal education institutions’ staff through gaining adequate skills on implementing CAREs life skills program.

CARE will continue to implement this project together with main local partner organizations from Bosnia and Herzegovina (Institute for Population and Development, Institute Perpetuum Mobile Banja Luka and Youth Power Mostar) as well with 5 small youth grassroot organizations throughout BIH and from Kosovo* (SIT – Centre for Counselling, Social Services and Research and YMCA Kosovo).

Project duration:

May 1st, 2021 – October 31st, 2022


Center E8 - Beograd
Institut Perpetuum Mobile – Banja Luka

Supported by:

OAK - OAK Foundation
ADC - Austrian Development Cooperation

Supported by

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