YMI News

Valentine’s Day in Mostar

February 15, 2019 YMI News

CARE partner organization Youth Power organized the action on the occasion of Valentine's Day.

Good practices of our country and region in the global base of the best health programs

February 6, 2019 YMI News

In January 2019, the European Society of Contraception and Reproductive Health (ESC) experts launched an online library providing access to research, education tools, scientific papers, on the topic of health, sexual and reproductive health and other complementary areas (violence, health of people with disabilities, upbringing, mental health, prevention of the use of psychoactive substances). The […]

Call for trainers for developing and delivering Movement Building Training

December 26, 2018 YMI News

CARE invites individual trainers, teams of trainers, NGOs and agencies for the Balkans region, familiar with the context and subject of the project in question, to respond to this call and present in details their expertise, experience, division of work and responsibility levels/responsible person (in case of teams or agencies).

The Educational Toolkit

December 21, 2018 YMI News

Dear teachers, school workers, educators We present the Educational toolkit as a guide for implementation of Program Y – Innovative Approaches in GBV Prevention and Healthy Lifestyle Promotion for Young Men and Women. CARE’s gender transformation education (school based program) initiative: YMI – Young Men Initiative and Program Y, has been a documented success in […]

Program Y is accredited in the Bosnian-Podrinje Canton

December 19, 2018 Program Y, YMI News

Ministry of Education, Youth, Science, Culture and Sport of the Bosnian-Podrinje Canton (BPC) accredited on 5 December 2018 Program Y (Youth) – Innovative Approaches in the Prevention of Gender-Based Violence and the Promotion of Healthier Lifestyles.

Young people against violence – action of drawing murals in Kruševac

December 17, 2018 YMI News

In December 2018, in cooperation with the Centre E8, Youth Office (KZM) Kruševac and Polytechnic school “Milutin Milanković”, and especially thanks to the excellent young people, this great mural that bears a clear message against violence was created.

Dads on leave – panel discussion on fatherhood and gender equality

December 17, 2018 YMI News

It has been a great pleasure for us to cooperate in the preparation and realization of the panel discussion “Dads on leave: what can employers do?” organized by IKEA Serbia. 

“How to explain this to my son?”

December 15, 2018 YMI News

On December 14th, the premiere of the new Center E8 theater play directed by Vojislav Arsic “How to explain this to my son?” was held at the Youth Theater in Novi Sad in front of a full audience.

“Be a man – React as Human” – action in Belgrade held on 5 December 2018

December 5, 2018 YMI News

Centre E8 and “Be a Man” Club held a public action on 5 December in Saint Sava Grammar School with the goal of familiarizing students of this school with our messages, values and slogans related to the prevention of violence and promotion of gender equality.

The Orange Day

November 28, 2018 YMI News

“Be a man” Club Banja Luka again delighted its fellow citizens with a flash-mob action on the occasion of the Orange Day – International Day Against Violence Against Women. The action was held on Monday, 26 November 2018, at the Krajina Square in Banja Luka.

Youth Power Mostar in the promotion of peace

September 24, 2018 Program Y, Regional and International, YMI News

Youth Power, CARE’s partner organization and young people who are part of the Be a man Club Mostar, together with their fellow citizens, sent messages of peace on the streets of the city of Mostar on Friday, 21 September 2018.

Graffiti against violence

September 4, 2018 Regional and International, YMI News

At the beginning of the new school year 2018/19, graffiti with the inscription "React as human, against violence" dawned on the wall of the Catering, Trade and Tourism High School in Banja Luka.

Presentation of the results of our work at the 5th conference “Zero tolerance to violence in schools”

September 2, 2018 Regional and International, YMI News

On 29 August 2018, Youth Power, CARE's partner organization, was part of the organizing team of the conference "Zero tolerance to violence in schools" at the Cultural Center Mostar.

Our members active during summer as well

August 6, 2018 Regional and International, YMI News

Youth Power, CARE partner organization, in the period from 19 July to 2 August 2018, organized BMC summer program for young people.

Training on the Methodology of Program Y

June 6, 2018 YMI News

What makes the Program Y stand out in the field of youth work was discussed at the Faculty of Philosophy on 4 June 2018.

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