“Can I Kiss You” a short film that explains the consent to young people

March 30, 2020 Cinema, News

Here is the video “Can I Kiss you” which aims to explain better to young people what consent is and to encourage them to create their own reactions by commenting, sharing or questioning. 

This short film addresses the situations of young people in relation to consent followed by a workshop discussion where some of our KBB members from Kosovo have attended. After the screening they comment on the short film and they tell us that our young people face these kinds of situations everyday. “Can I Kiss You” short film explains very well the consent and how clear it must be. 

Since this topic is very connected with YMI goals so we all can contribute towards a healthy and happy youth, the KBB Kosovo screened this short film last year during the 16 days of activism as well preceding a theater forum performed by its members. 

The event was organized within the Young Men Initiative, implemented by CARE International Balkans in partnership with SIT – Center for Counseling, Social Services and Research and with the support of ACT NOW.

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