
PROGRAM M – manual for working with young men 

Working with men and boys to challenge gender inequities can have a positive impact on the health and well-being of women and girls, there is also an increased understanding of how rigid ideals of gender and masculinities can also lead to specific vulnerabilities among men and boys. This is evidenced by their higher rates of death by traffic accidents, their higher rates of suicide and violence, and their higher rates of alcohol and substance use than women and girls. Thus, for the sake of both young men’s and young women’s well-being, it is essential that programs seek to incorporate a gender perspective into work with youth. M Manual is a training manual that aims to promote gender equality and promote healthy lifestyles with young men by addressing some of the social constructions of masculinity (ies) as a strategy for building important life skills in young men as they emerge into young adulthood.


PROGRAM TA Manual for Engaging Men in Fatherhood, Caregiving, and Maternal and Child Health 

Program T (“T” for “Tata” BHS languages meaning “Father”) is a direct and targeted response to the need for concrete strategies and action steps to engage men in active fatherhood globally from pregnancy until early childhood. Program T is a resource developed as part of the global MenCare campaign coordinated by Promundo and the Sonke Gender JusticeNetwork and adapted by CARE International Balkans. Program T is the next level in systematic approach in building gender equity society. It identifies best practices on engaging men in maternal and child health, caregiving, and preventing violence against women and children, through the lens of gender equality. Program also provides tools and resources for individuals and organizations that want to work more generally with men as caregivers and fathers to prevent violence against children and women and to promote gender equality.

PROGRAM Y – Program Youth 

The heart of YMI is Program Y which is focused on transforming the school environment to one that supports and nurtures gender equality and promotes a culture of non-violence. The program has been piloted, evaluated and accredited in most of the Western Balkan countries. The curriculum has been implemented by peer educators, youth workers and educators as part of a multiplier effect. Program Y is based on the understanding that adolescence represents a pivotal moment in the socialization process, when attitudes towards violence and gender roles are formulated and solidified, as well as the recognition that schools are important institutions in constructing and reinforcing gender norms. This is the program for high schools that are looking for a gender transformative violence prevention curriculum, as an effective and proven tool that provides knowledge and skills necessary for work with students on the topics of gender equality and violence prevention. The program is aimed at all those young men and women who do not have access to a life skills education program that would facilitate a healthy transition from adolescence to adulthood.  

PROGRAM E – Program for Elementary Schools 

Recognizing the importance of conducting preventive activities with children and youth during the period of primary schooling, Program E was developed: comprehensive approaches in the prevention of gender-based violence and the promotion of healthy lifestyles through the development of life skills of primary school students. Recognizing the operational capabilities of schools, current trends and needs of children, youth and local communities, we create educational opportunities that are in line with the real needs of the communities in which we work, so we created this program at their request. The development of Program E for primary schools was initiated by representatives of ministries of education, emphasizing the importance of conducting preventive activities with children and youth during the period of primary schooling. Therefore, this Program, in addition to being an operational tool developed based on global and local recommendations and guidelines, is also another proof that the Young Men Initiative listens to the voice of communities and respects the articulated needs of our partners in educational institutions. 

PROGRAM Y+ – program for working with youth at risk 

Program Y+ is intended for professionals and youth workers working with young people at risk in civil society organizations or institutions. Young people at risk is a general term for a number of circumstances that put young people in a more vulnerable position due to problematic behaviors such as substance abuse, school failure and juvenile delinquency, along with mental health disorders such as depression and anxiety. The purpose of the Program is to empower staff or people working with young people, including experts to implement programs in direct work with young people at risk, in order to prevent violence, improve emotional regulation and develop critical thinking, through a focus on gender justice and acceptance of diversity. 

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