“Be a Man Club and Real Girls Sarajevo” is an organized club of young people operating at Association XY which brings together a large number of members who, in this way, for many years have acquired life skills and competences that enable them to enter the adult world easier and healthier.
The End line Assessment Consultant (April 1st – June 20th , 2020) ADC Grant Number 8305-00/2017 Project Duration 01stof October 2017 -30th of September 2020 Deadline for application 13th March 4 pm, local time and About CARE in the Balkans CARE’s mission in the region is to contribute to post-war recovery and the socio-economic development […]
Members of the Mostar Be a Man Club and volunteers of CARE International Balkans’ partner organization Youth Power organized a street action on the occasion of Valentine’s Day.Â
CARE International Balkans and partner organizations from Bosnia and Herzegovina, from Banja Luka, Mostar, Sarajevo, East Sarajevo, Bijeljina, Novi Travnik, Jablanica, Tuzla, BrÄŤko and Zenica are organizing a two-day partnership meeting.
Deadline for application: January 27th 2020, 04 p.m. local time. About CARE in the Balkans CARE’s mission in the region is to contribute to post-war recovery and the socio-economic development of Bosnia & Herzegovina, Croatia, Serbia, Kosovo* and Montenegro. CARE in the Balkans consists of Offices in Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina (BiH), in Belgrade, Serbia […]
Job Announcement- CARE International Balkans is an equal opportunity employer and is seeking a qualified candidate for its Office in Prishtine, Kosovo to fill the position of Project Coordinator for its project “Men and Boys as Partners in Promoting Gender Equality and the Prevention of Youth Extremism and Violence in the Balkans” funded by the […]
Center E8 continued its activities within the global campaign Sixteen Days of Activism, this time with a research presentation and panel discussion.
On December 4, 2019, the Ministry of Science and Education verified Program Y – Youth – Innovative Approaches to Preventing Gender-Based Violence and Promoting Healthy Lifestyles for Young Men and Girls.
On 29 December CARE’s partner organization Youth Power organized a street action called “Let’s Stop Violence Against Women” where more than 60 young people, volunteers and students from the schools they cooperated with, marched through the streets of Mostar to raise awareness of citizens on preventing violence against women.
The Center E8 continued its activities to mark the Sixteen Days of Activism with the public action “How are you?” conducted on the occasion of the International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women, 25 November.
In Banja Luka, on 25 November 2019, members of the Be a Man clubs from Banja Luka, Sarajevo, Mostar, Zenica, BrÄŤko and Tuzla organized a flash mob to mark the International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women.
CARE partnerska organizacija Youth Power je u saradnji sa Ministarstvom obrazovanja, nauke, kulture i sporta HNK/HNŽ, Pedagoškim zavodom i Zavodom za školstvo Mostar, u periodu od 20. do 22. studenog/novembra, organizovala novi krug stručnog usavršavanja za pedagoginje i pedagoge iz osam srednjih škola s područja Hercegovačko-neretvanskog kantona.
Actor Branislav Trifunović was officially honored with the “Real Man” award for 2019 on 19 November 2019, on the International Men’s Day, at the premises of the EU Info Center, organized by the Center E8.
Last week, a regional partners meeting within the Young Men Initiative (YMI) project – ” Men and Boys as Partners in Promoting Gender Equality and the Prevention of Youth Extremism and Violence in the Balkans”, was organized in Belgrade.
The annual Youth Conference of the Association XY and partner organizations, activists and members of Be a Man Clubs from across Bosnia and Herzegovina sent a clear message: