North Macedonia
August 20, 2022- August 19, 2023
Together with Center for Research and Policy Making – CRPM from North Macedonia, CARE International Balkans will start piloting Young Men Initiative program in North Macedonia. The goal of YMI program in North Macedonia is to support male youth aged 14-19 to gain attitudes and increasingly demonstrate behaviors that support more gender-equitable social norms and discourage gender-based violence through adaptation of CARE’s EMB (engaging men and boys) approach and YMI methodology of youth-led gender-based violence (GBV) prevention model.
The first phase of the project will incude adaptation of CARE’s International training manual Program M (Program Men) in accordance with the results gained from the PLA (Participatory Learning and Action) research on gender, masculinities, violence and healthy lifefstyles that will be conducted in North Macedonia by research expert, CRPM and with guidance of CARE International Balkans.
CARE International Balkans and CRPM will actively work on increasing the capacities of local NGOs/CSOs to deliver CARE’s EMB approach through YMI methodology of youth-led gender-based violence prevention model. The ‘Young men initiative’ program will be further piloted in two municipalities where ‘Be a Man’ clubs will be opened in the local libraries. The sustainability of the initiative will be ensured with the established partnership between the local self-government, local civil society organisations, schools and local libraries. The success and effectiveness of these clubs will ensure their inclusion in the municipal local youth programs and local budget. During the project period, the CRPM team and young men from local youth civil organisations will be trained to become trainers and peer educators who will continue providing workshops for the local young men using the ‘Young men initiative’ methodology. The initiative is envisioned to be replicated in other local libraries as a good practice.
Through intensification of the cooperation between the primary and secondary schools, the local self-government units and the civil society our project will contribute to the accomplishment of the following strategic goals: