Workshops on Gender Equality Continue with Roma Youngsters in Croatia

May 25, 2020 News

The Corona crisis and isolation did not prevent pleasant gatherings with Roma youngsters in Croatia, so even in this challenging time, Program Y workshops are regularly held online.

Status M educators meet with a group of approximately 10 participants once a week on the Zoom platform in order to continue the cycle of educational workshops according to Program Y which started offline in January. By using various applications such as Mentimeter for interactive presentations and quizzes and Snap Camera for altering our personas, they discuss what it means to be a man or women, how to express our feelings and what are the characteristics of healthy intimate relationships. Although the workshops are planned to last a maximum of 2 hours, it turned out more than once that this time is not enough, so some participants remain in conversation after the end of a workshop to share their interests and opinions, hobbies and ambitions with Status M educators and other participants. And soon, the planned 2 hours of workshop turn into 4 hours!

Given that the workshops were joined by a number of young Roma people who have not participated in the activities of Status M before because they live in other parts of Croatia, educators held a session in which they repeated the previous topics with old participants, and introduced new participants to the content of our workshops. 

The participants are very active in the discussion and show interest in continuing meetings offline once there are conditions to do so. They are mentioning campaigns in local communities outside Zagreb, visiting the escape rooms, but also a get-together with a barbecue for all involved, which we all are looking forward to. 

The activity is implemented by  Status M within the framework of the Young Men Initiative II – The Men and Boys as Partners in Promoting Gender Equality and prevention of Youth Extremism and Violence in the Balkans project, supported by CARE International Balkans, Austrian Development Cooperation and Oak Foundation.

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