Engaging Men and Boys in Emergencies

August 22, 2018 Campaigns

CARE in cooperation with partner organizations ensures food security, provides shelter and non-food items, offers water, sanitation and hygiene (WASH), and protection.

In response to the unfolding humanitarian crisis in the Balkans, since 2015, CARE International Balkans is providing urgent humanitarian assistance to refugees and migrants as they are passing through Serbia on their way to EU countries.

During the emergency assistance, CARE and its local partners recognized the need to protect young male migrants – mostly unaccompanied minors – as the major group in need. Building on CARE’s decade-long experience of engaging boys and young men in the Balkans in programs on violence prevention, healthy lifestyles, and gender equality initiatives, we decided to use the existing Program Y together with the Kids Welcome Initiative (KIWI), implemented by CARE Germany, and create a tailor-made program for working with young male migrants, adaptable to different settings and young men`s groups.

“This was fun and learning. I’ve been in the camp for 10 months now. I never participated in something this good. I learned a lot from you, but I also learned a lot from my peers. I did not know that they know so much about these topics. You are not like some other organisations that come and talk to us forcedly, just to spend time. I hope that you will not be like other organisations and end at this. I hope you will do this, so others will hear about us” Mouhamed, 17 years old

The project “Welcome Initiative for Migrant Youth” was implemented by Nexus Vranje and Center E8 Belgrade, in the period September 1 2017 – March 21 2018 with the support of CARE MENA and ADH Germany. The project was implemented in 5 Receptions Centers by 35 staff members (4 in Serbia and 1 in Croatia) and 746 young men unaccompanied minors were engaged through 72 workshops and 16 motivational and campaign activities. One of the direct outcomes of the project is Manual for Engaging Men and Boys in Emergencies.

The Manual outlines CARE’s experience in working with young male migrants and serves as a guiding tool for frontline humanitarian workers, mediators and educators in their work with young men with a migration background.

The Manual consists of:

  • Overview of CARE International’s experience and its view of the young men in crisis situation – a presentation of qualitative data derived from our work with young male migrants
  • Engaging men and boys in emergencies – an overview of possible interventions and tips on how to reach boys and young men and respond to their needs
  • The educational program for young men and boys in crisis – guidelines for implementing 13 educational workshops
  • Motivational and leisure time activities – a guide to organizing different activities that will increase motivation for workshop participation and equip young men with skills to help them become active citizens
  • Final remarks and contacts


On the road to Europe - PLA

2018, Care

Gender norms among young men in the migrant community in Serbia. This participative qualitative study was conducted as a part of “Welcome Initiative for Migrant Youth” project that aims to provide adequate protection for young migrants – unaccompanied minors settled in the reception centers in the South of Serbia, through educational workshops and awareness raising in issues like healthy li

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Engaging Young Men and Boys in Emergencies

2018-03, CARE International Balkans

Guidelines for Addressing Basic Needs of Young Men and Boys in Crisis Situations. This manual outlines CARE’s experience in working with young male migrants and serves as a guiding tool for frontline workers, mediators, and educators in their work with young men with a migration background.

7.01 MB

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