“Be a man” in Technical school Novi Beograd

November 12, 2012 YMI News

“Teaser” campaign in Technical school NBGD started on 15.10. and lasted for a whole week before starting educational workshops in classes.

This teaser campaign had the following activities: At the beginning there was placement of BMK posters (with just “Budi muško” without additional slogans) in school, on entrance, walls and pillars.; – Drawing of Budi muško graffiti on large wooden panel, in schoolyard (also without additional slogan) with girls in “Budi muško” shirts being around. This activity drew a lot of attention and questions from students, but graffiti artist and girls remained still mysterious about what does “Budi muško” mean.

When completed, panel with graffiti was moved from schoolyard and placed (and fixed) on the wall inside school, on a really good location near entrance.; – Placement of additional stickers with slogans and other BMK stickers on already placed posters in school. Also placement of 2 “BMK statutes” (rules of club) on the walls of school was done. Also, slogan “change the rules” was later added on Budi muško graffiti; – Recruitment action in schoolyard went excellent with large number of students who saw the action. Around 80 students done the “BMK test” which is also “entry form” for BMK.

Large number of flyers, stickers and brochures was distributed than and 4 of our trainers talked to them about workshops and BMK values and activities and in that way boosted their interest and called them to participate.

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