
YMI Partners Meeting in Tirana, Albania, 18th-21st of December 2014

December 19, 2014 Regional and International

CARE International Balkans and its partner organizations from regional Young Men Initiative project – Boys and Men as Allies in Violence Prevention and Gender Transformation in the Western Balkans, supported by ADA, OAK Foundation and CARE Deutschland-Luxemburg are having partners meeting in Tirana, Albania, 18th-21st of December 2014.

Public action “My five against violence”

December 17, 2014 Regional and International

Public action “My five against violence!” which was organized by the Centre E8, Be a Man Club, Youth Office VraÄŤar and Gender Equality Office VraÄŤar  was held on Monday, 15 December 2014.

Be a Man Clubs organized actions in 10 towns on the occasion of the International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women

December 17, 2014 Regional and International

In 10 towns in Serbia, Be a Man Clubs (BMC) organized public actions on the occasion of the International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women and by doing so they tried to raise public awareness about this serious problem in our society.

Tour of the theatre play “Macho Men” in Germany

December 16, 2014 Regional and International

The premiere of the theatre play “Macho Men” took place for the first time in JFE “Anna Landsberger” in Berlin on Monday and Tuesday, 8 and 9 December. Immediately after Berlin, on Wednesday 10 December, the play was performed in Dresden in the “Schauburg Dresden – Filmkultur & mehr”.

SAY “NO” to the Violence- BE A MAN – Declaration – MY 5 AGAINST VIOLENCE

December 15, 2014 YMI News

In cooperation with CARE International, Balkans and with the support of the Swiss government, the Austrian Development Cooperation, the OAK Foundation and CARE Germany-Luxemburg, with partner organizations, on Wednesday, 10/12/2014, on Human Rights Day street action is organized in order to raise public awareness of the problem of violence among young people, “Be a man-sign […]

NGO Youth Power/Snaga Mladih condemns violence in front of Engineering and Traffic Secondary School in Mostar

December 15, 2014 YMI News

NGO Youth Power/Snaga Mladih reacted on the occasion of the incident which took place on Monday, 08 December 2014, in the schoolyard of Engineering and Traffic Secondary School in Mostar, when a dozen of masked persons attacked with stones and injured five students during the break!

Through the photos – Action “My FIVE against the violence!”

December 11, 2014 YMI News

Action was held in the Park “Petar Kocic” in the period from 1-3 pm.

Declaration against violence – Kosovska Mitrovica

December 10, 2014 YMI News

CARE partner organization Synergy has organized two-day activities in North Kosovska Mitrovica. The first one took place on the 9th and included around 50 members of Synergy/the Be a man Club, this was the “Nasilje je naopako!” campaign and our members took photos all around the city, including frequent streets and other places which are […]

Visit from York

December 4, 2014 YMI News

Group of 22 post-graduate students and 3 staff members from Post-war Reconstruction and Development Unit of the University of York, Heslington, York, United Kingdom visited Mostar and partner organization NGO Youth Power on 3rd of December, as part of their  two weeks Study Visit: Post-war Recovery in Bosnia and Herzegovina Twenty Years After the Dayton Agreement.

Open Call for Offers

December 2, 2014 YMI News

CARE is announcing open call for Baseline Evaluation in Bosnia and Herzegovina in “Promoting Healthier Lifestyles among Youth in Bosnia and Herzegovina by Challenging Gender Stereotypes – Young Men Initiative Project (YMI)”.

Priština: Fatherhood campaign

December 2, 2014 Cinema

Fatherhood from Young Men Initiative "Be a Men Club", Supporting the “16 days of Activism” Campaign to End Gender-Based Violence.

16 Days of Activism

December 2, 2014 Cinema

Fatherhood from Young Men Initiative "Be a Men Club, Supporting the “16 days of Activism” Campaign to End Gender Based Violence

UK students visited Banja Luka 1st of December 2014

December 1, 2014 Regional and International

Group of 22 post-graduate students and 3 staff members from Post-war Reconstruction and Development Unit of the University of York, Heslington, York, United Kingdom visited Banja Luka in two weeks Study Visit: Post-war Recovery in Bosnia and Herzegovina Twenty Years After the Dayton Agreement.

Campaign to End Gender Based Violence

November 27, 2014 Cinema

Gender Equality from Young Men Initiative "Be a Men Club", Supporting the “16 days of Activism” Campaign to End Gender Based Violence.

Steps for the Future Without Violence

November 25, 2014 Regional and International

CARE staff John Crownover and Natasa Bijelic from the Croatian NGO, Center for Education, Counseling and Research (CESI), a longtime collaborator of CARE’s participated at the 2nd Symposium “Steps for the Future Without Violence” – Violence and Youth on the 20th of November 2014 held in Opatija, Croatia.

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