Resources of the CARE International Balkans, YMI program and partners recognized abroad – YMI experience in Jordan!

November 15, 2021 News

CARE International Balkans through its Young Men Initiative (YMI) Program, which is implemented for more than 14 years, has witnessed great success in building skills and improving the capacities of local partners, CSOs, schools and youth throughout the region. Our beneficiaries have, through all these years, grown from being participants of our programs to becoming extremely skilled professionals, whose stories are worth sharing across CARE family and beyond. That is what happened recently when CARE International Balkans received an invitation to provide support in form of Training for Trainers (ToT) for CARE Jordan, as well for several CSO representatives from Jordan.

Within this cooperation, CARE International Balkans representative Vanja Jošić along with Feđa Mehmedović from Institute for Population and Development (IPD) Sarajevo and Nedim Mičijević from Youth Power Mostar conducted ToT capacity building program on engaging men and boys in emergencies. The training took place in Amman (Jordan) from 24th to 28th of October with 24 participants from Save the Children Jordan, Plan International Jordan, Institute for Family health – King Hussein Foundation and CARE Jordan staff.

The capacity building training explored the Program Y curriculum based on a gender transformative educational approach, designed to elicit critical reflection on the gender norms that drive violence and other unhealthy behaviors; the curriculum has been designed for adolescents. It explores power relations, expressing emotions, male honor, labeling, and understanding the cycle of violence and various developmental processes among adolescents. The training aimed to enhance the participants’ skills and knowledge on the ‘engaging men and boy approach’, which will be integrated into the design and implementation of their future projects.

Institutionalization of life-skills education, prevention of violence, promotion of gender equality and empowerment of young people to create positive changes and promote healthy lifestyles are one of the fundamental goals being implemented with support of the donors and 9 partner organizations in the Balkan region in this phase of the YMI Program.

Read more about Program Y: and

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