August 2, 2020 News, YMI News

At the beginning of July, YMI partner organization Perpetuum Mobile has organized a joint meeting and training for trainers in the field of peer education that promotes healthy lifestyles, based on Program Y.

Beside training for trainers, Perpetuum Mobile launched discussion and consultations regarding common strategic goals and project activities for the next period as well as the impact of their activities that were implemented in the previous period. Participants were mostly interested cooperation with schools and other institutions in the process of Program Y institutional integration , and the effects of YMI project on local communities and beyond.

They talked about the results and challenges encountered in previous months, but also about the upcoming processes and key activities in cooperation with institutions.

The focus of the meeting was certainly the training for trainers based on the “Program Y”, which was comprehensively discussed and presented in. Through hard work and effort, all participants successfully completed the training and became trainers to other young people in education according to our fantastic manual. It is this endeavor that represents the initial step before the new training of peer educators in local communities in BiH.

Many more activities are being prepared in Perpetuum Mobiles kitchen in the coming days!

Stay tuned!

Program Y, which was used during the education of students and teachers, was created within the project Youth Initiative II (YMI – Youth Initiative): “Promoting healthy lifestyles among young people in Bosnia and Herzegovina by challenging gender stereotypes II” and the project: “Men and Boys as Partners in Promoting Gender Equality And Addressing The Issue of Extremism and Youth Violence in The Western Balkans ”, which was supported by the Government of Switzerland, the Oak Foundation, the Austrian Development Agency and CARE International Balkans.

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