The first messages of the winners of #TurnOnKnowledge #TurnOffHate awards!

July 23, 2020 News

A few weeks ago, Center E8 launched the #TurnOnKnowledgeTurnOffHate campaign in collaboration with CAREinternationalᴿᴾ i YMI – Young Men Initiative and pigeon Mirko    awarded the best participants of the quiz, in which over 400 of them participated!

One of the winners sends us her impressions and answers the question of what she turns on and what she turns off:

“Dear friends, I received a gift from you today. You made me very happy, thank you very much! You have great support and praise from me for all educational projects. I especially liked the quiz, because I learned information on current topics in a creative way, and probably I would not remember to read about it in detail. At the same time, it is something that needs to be known, and I hope that as many people as possible will participate in this type of education. I am sending you a picture with a backpack on Lake Bovan. I personally turn on culture and turn off trend (in terms of behavior), but in relation to the pollution of lakes and other waters, the emphasis would be on Turn on conscience, turn off pollution.

Thanks again, and best regards!”

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