Young people in TV debate competitions debated on extremism

June 25, 2020 News

Our partner organization, Perpetuum mobile – Institute for Youth and Community Development from Banja Luka has realized a really interesting and innovative activities.

In the past nine months, high school students in Banja Luka had the opportunity to learn the basics of discussion, but also healthy lifestyles using our “Program Y”.

Training for students was realized in three cycles where over 160 students and 14 professors from almost all high schools, were directly engaged in variety of activities. Students were able to learn how to react different situations, but also what it means living a healthy lifestyle. Within the cycles, professors were well acquainted and trained on using the Educational Toolkit – ” Program Y” and prepared for future support and mentorship on their students.

One important segment of this year’s activities was the process of recording TV debates called “ÄŤEtaonica (eng. Chat Room) with students.

The affirmation and negation teams were students from 14 Banja Luka high schools, and the topics for discussion were selected from the “Program Y”.

The final show will be broadcast on July 21st, 2020, on the Elta TV with main hypothesis – “The main cause of extremism among young people is the lack of critical mistakes.” All participants in the final discussion received it as a gift book by Professor Dr. Srdjan Dušanić titled “Youth and Extremism”, which was published within YMI project, as a part of a new program on dealing with youth at risk.

TV discussions and trainings were conducted within the project “Through a culture of dialogue to healthy living habits” which is supported through the Regional Program of Local Democracy in the Western Balkans (ReLOaD) funded by the European Union, co-financed by the City of Banja Luka and implemented by the United Nations Development Program.

Program Y, which was used during the education of students and teachers, was created within the project Youth Initiative II (YMI – Youth Initiative): “Promoting healthy lifestyles among young people in Bosnia and Herzegovina by challenging gender stereotypes II” and the project: “Men and boys as partners in promoting gender equality and addressing the issue of extremism and youth violence in the Western Balkans ”, which was supported by the Government of Switzerland, the Oak Foundation, the Austrian Development Agency and CARE International Balkans.

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