Terms of Reference for the Endline Assessments of the Regional Project: “Men and Boys as Partners in Promoting Gender Equality and the Prevention of Youth Extremism and Violence in the Balkans”

February 19, 2020 YMI News
The End line Assessment Consultant(April 1st – June 20th , 2020)
ADC Grant Number8305-00/2017
Project Duration01stof October 2017 -30th of September 2020
Deadline for application13th March 4 pm, local time


About CARE in the Balkans

CARE’s mission in the region is to contribute to post-war recovery and the socio-economic development of Bosnia & Herzegovina, Croatia, Serbia, Kosovo and Montenegro. CARE in the Balkans consists of Offices in Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina (BiH), in Belgrade, Serbia and Pristina, Kosovo. 

CARE’s work in the Balkans started in 1992, when it provided humanitarian support to people affected by war. In the late 90-ties CARE shifted its focus in the region from humanitarian post-war assistance and rehabilitation to socio-economic development engaging in interventions directed at conflict prevention and peace-building, sustainable livelihoods, gender equality and the prevention of gender-based violence. 

CARE in the Balkans places the quality of its program at the center of its business and its mission and has developed a regional strategy that encompasses two main program directions: Gender Equality and Social and Economic Inclusion. The goal of the Social and Economic Inclusion Program is to strengthen capacities and create opportunities for marginalized, socially excluded and poor to integrate into society and access rights. CARE’s Gender Equality Program aims to empower women and girls vulnerable to violence, discrimination and poverty, to reach better life opportunities and social justice. CARE’s engagement and contribution lies in strengthening sustainability of key regional, national and/ or local civil society organizations and networks promoting gender equality and diversity, in the context of social inclusion and non-violence.


The Men and Boys as Partners in Promoting Gender Equality and prevention of Youth Extremism and Violence in the Balkans or Young Men Initiative II (YMI II) project builds upon CARE´s comprehensive and programmatic effort to fight interpersonal and gender based violence (GBV) as well as to improve gender equality in the region and address preventative issues related to youth extremism and violence. 

The project objective is to enable positive and peaceful societies for young people in Serbia, Kosovo, Albania and Bosnia and Herzegovina, that support gender equality and decrease interpersonal violence and its extremism.

The project’s specific objective is to improve Youth NGOs and government capacities to integrate Program Youth – Life Skills Educational Curriculum in the current educational and youth policy strategies and strengthen governmental and civil society efforts related to the inclusion of youth vulnerable to extremism.

This project aims at scaling up and mainstreaming earlier achievements related to the implementation of the Gender Transformative Life Skills program, or short Program Y, via targeted advocacy and a close cooperation with relevant stakeholder through the support of movement / coalition building through the development of new alliances that engage parents and citizens in supporting gender equality focused life skills education program. One of the main results of the project is to develop educational tools for scaling up such activities as online education and working with universities in the training of new educators. To enhance this process, CARE and partners are scaling up the Program Y in selected secondary schools whereby the schools take the lead in the implementation with the support from CARE’s local partners and is identifying allies among teachers, who will act as trainers of trainers (ToT) and youth engaged as peer educators. In addition, a new comprehensive model, Program Y plus is being piloted, by working with a more selected group of youth vulnerable to violence and extremism. This model seeks to increase community connections and address the multiple layers of exclusion often leading to extremism. CARE´s local partner organizations are increasingly recognized as key players by the public stakeholders in the field of men engagement, youth work and gender equality. Supported by the project, the partners have been launching campaigns targeting youth and selected communities, around hate speech and promoting the positive role of all community members in addressing extremism and violence. The project mainly builds on the use of social media, but also involve popular media and the arts to further messaging and reaching vulnerable groups. The project continues to support the efforts of CARE´s partners to become national resource centers in regards to gender equality, youth work and violence prevention. 

The main expected outputs are the following:

Output 1: Life Skills program (Program Y) scaled up in accredited countries with the Ministries of Education and supported in its promotion and capacity building for use in secondary schools.

Output 2: In selected communities, a Program Youth “Plus model” is developed, piloted and tested to address issues of vulnerability to violence and extremism amongst selected youth.

Output 3: In targeted countries, social movements activated and/or supported to engage/encourage citizens; including parents, youth and a diverse civil society, with the focus on encouraging governments to actively promote/address gender equality, life skills and health education in schools. 

Output 4: Social norms campaign developed for targeted audience promoting peaceful masculinities, gender equality and addressing hate speech and intolerance.

Output 5 (OAK): Technical assistance, training and the promotion of tools and best practice related to work with youth, especially young men on gender equality, interpersonal violence and positive youth development developed and disseminated in the Balkans, Eastern Europe and globally.  

The YMI project is implemented in Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Kosovo* and Serbia and targets youth, especially young men vulnerable to violence and anti-social behaviors and strengthen key skills, knowledge, attitudes that support improved behaviors around gender equitable norms and non-violence. In total at least 56 800 people will be directly reached through the project: 150 teachers, 5000 students, 150 university students, 50 200 youth, 1100 parents/citizens, 100 community members and 100 movement leaders.  (Indirectly more than 68 000 people).

Purpose of the Endline Assessment

The Endline Assessment will be done complementary for the projects contributing to the same objective, namely for the overall program of the Young Men Initiative II, both financed by Austrian Development Cooperation and Oak Foundation.  

The End Line Assessment of School Based Intervention will be carried out to contribute to a comprehensive understanding of change in knowledge, attitudes and behavior related to gender based violence, gender equity and healthy life styles amongst boys and men from targeted intervention high schools from Serbia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Albania and Kosovo participating in the program. 

We intend to assess the knowledge level, attitudes, and behaviors shifts since the beginning of the intervention of the boys and men from targeted intervention high schools from Serbia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Albania and Kosovo participating in the program comparing with the Baseline Assessment findings conducted in 2018. The End Line Assessment of School Based Programme will be carried out by conducting self-administered surveys after the different educational and campaign interventions targeting each group will be concluded. 

The End line assessment report will be incorporated into Final evaluation report which will be done till September 2020 by external evaluator which will be selected in competitive process that will be done till April 2020.

The end line assessment process is going to be conducted during the last phase of the project implementation, in period from April – June 2020 (detailed the evaluation schedule is described in below written section The Timetable). 

End line assessment in targeted five schools in four countries amongst around 1200 students will be conducted during April 2020.

Objectives of the Endline Assessment 

The overall objective of the Endline Assessment is to measure change in attitudes, knowledge and behavior of main beneficiaries group (high school boys and girls from schools where programme intervention has been implemented within Serbia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Albania and Kosovo society) related to gender based violence, gender equity and healthy life styles before interventions focusing on each target group start. 

Timing of the End line assessment:

The End line assessment will be done after school based educational and campaigning activities targeting the different groups are finished. With high school students from 3rd/ 4th grade (last school year) a self-administered survey used during the endline assessment will be implemented. The endline assessment will be conducted in between April – June 2020.

Subject and focus (scope)

End line assessment will be conducted collaboratively between CARE, local partners NGOs and the consultant. Local partners NGOs will secure permissions to enter the schools where target population is and collect questionnaires. Leading coordination role is done by the CARE Project Manager.

The Consultant`s Responsibilities:

The Consultant (or a team of an evaluator and a researcher) will be responsible for the following aspects while conducting the assessments:

  1. Adapting the Guidelines for endline assessment implementation and action plan based on already developed methodology through baseline assessment;
  2. Adapting, testing and finalizing end line questionnaires for secondary school students; 
  3. Supervising endline Assessment process in all four countries including action planning (Serbia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Kosovo* and Albania); 
  4. Coding and data entering of collected inputs in SPSS or other relevant statistical program, data mining and analyzing;
  5. Producing draft and final end line assessment report (including summary report) in English.

End line assessment approach and methods

Sample Size of Baseline research

All target beneficiaries are in secondary schools, where partners implemented workshops (based on the Program Y methodology) with young men and young women aged 15-19 years, enrolled in secondary schools. Most will be in the third or fourth year of enrollment at their school (during baseline assessment, they were first year enrollment at their school). Student discontinuation rates are low in the Balkans, and it is expected that the large majority of students will remain in school throughout the implementation of YMI and the end-line survey.

In Banja Luka, the survey was conducted in the Catering School and Agricultural School; in Belgrade, it was done in two Gymnasiums: Gymnasium X and the Gymnasium ‘Saint Sava’; in Pristina students from Electro-technical School ‘Gjin Gazulli’ and in Tirana students from Ismail Qemali High School participated in the research. Total number of participants was 1201. (689 young men and 512 young women took part in this research). Most schools draw their students from the surrounding communities, which is largely homogenous in terms of ethnic or religious identity.  However, across some locations, we do expect that there will be a range of ethnic and religious backgrounds represented.

Based on participants of the baseline assessment, sample size will be approximately:

CitiesSex of participantsNumber of participants in the base line research
Banja Lukayoung men176
young women70
Belgradeyoung men109
young women148
Pristinayoung men247
young women80
Tiranayoung men157
young women214
Totalyoung men689
young women 512

Beside secondary schools’ students, project is focused on variety of stakeholders: teachers, parents, social workers, university workers, youth NGOs etc. During endline assessment, the Consultant can contact and have meetings/interviews with other beneficiaries in coordination with CARE if he/she considers that it will contribute to the report of the endline assessment and better reflect the results.

Prior to the endline research, Consultant is expected to develop guidelines for endline assessment, adjust questionaries’ and present action plan to CARE and partners. Following step is supervising field research – endline assessment in cooperation with the local partner organizations and their data collectors. 

The Consultant will produce a high-quality endline report in English or local language with paying careful attention to the OECD-DAC Evaluation Criteria and providing presentation of the results by using ethnicity/sex-disaggregated data.  All research subjects must give their consent to participate.

Indicative workload:

Description of the activitiesNumber of DaysResponsible person
Development of Guidelines for endline assessment implementation and action plan based on already developed methodology through Baseline Assessment1 DayConsultant
Adapting, testing and finalizing end line questionnaires tools for secondary school students (skype calls with project partners and Project Manager)3 DaysConsultant
Action Planning (skype call meeting with partner organization)1 DayConsultant
Supervising Endline Assessment process in all four countries (Serbia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Kosovo and Albania);5 DaysConsultant
Coding and data entering of collected inputs in SPSS or other relevant statistical program, data mining and analyzing4 DaysConsultant
School Endline Assessment Report development4 DaysConsultant
School Endline Assessment Report Review2 DaysCARE team
Finalization of School Endline Report 1 dayConsultant 
TOTALUp to 21 days


April 1st -3rd Developed guidelines for endline assessment and action planThe Consultant will do desk research and review of documentation on the order of getting clear picture for end line research and create guidelines for endline assessment.
April 10th 
Endline questionnaires finalisedExisting questionnaire used in previous CAREs researches will be reviewed and adapted based on specific project goals and intended outcomes and new drafted.
April 10th -15th Action Plan developed and presented to the CARE and partnersThe Consultant will outline the process of end line and deliver the end line plan to CARE and partners via Skype.
April 20-30 Endline assessment finalized in fieldThe Consultant will be supervising endline assessment process in all four countries in coordination with CARE.
May 10th -15th Coding questionnaires and data enteringThe consultant will do questionnaires coding, data entering and data mining till 15th of May 
May 15th – 25th 1st Draft of endline assesmentThe consultant will submit to CARE Project Manager 1st. draft of End line assessment report with the results from the End line survey till 25th of May
May 25t -10th June2nd draft of Endline AssesmentThe consultant will submit to CARE Project Manager 2nd and final draft of End line assessment report including summary report and incorporate comments sent by CARE till 10th  of June 
June 10th  -20th FINAL End line Assessment ReportThe final End line assessment report will be delivered to CARE in electronic format respecting the donor’s visibility guidelines, in agreed language, by 20th of June, at latest.
The Consultant will be engaged in the period from April 1st to June 20th, 2020 for a maximum up to 21 working days. The final product will be delivered to CARE by June 20th 2020.

In the case that the Consultant needs to travel all lodging and travel costs will be covered by the Consultant and should be part of consultant’s daily fee and will be included into the proposed budget. CARE will not be able to pay per diem nor cover any other expenses to the Consultant for the time spent at the field.  

The consultant will be paid upon submission the receipt of invoice and consultancy time sheet with indicated tasks performed and dates of tasks implementation after final report is delivered, no later than 7 days of submission day.

The payment for the work defined in Contract will be made upon the work completion and the final product delivered to CARE, with all the necessary documentation as per CARE’s administrative procedures.

The deadline for application is 13th of March 4.00 p.m. local time.

Evaluation team

CARE invites individual experts, teams of experts, NGOs and agencies for the Balkans region, familiar with the context and subject of the project in question, to respond to this call and present in details their expertise, experience, division of work and responsibility levels/responsible person (in case of teams or agencies).

Required qualifications

  1. Comprehensive experience with conducting evaluations (The applicant is requested to send several samples of prior evaluation reports written by him/herself).
  2. Excellent oral and writing skills in English.
  3. Academic background from social sciences field with minimum MSc. title and five years of working experience in academic or research institution.
  4. Prior experience of working in the Balkans region.
  5. Prior experience with projects targeting young men and women beneficiaries.
  6. Prior experience with projects targeting gender mainstreaming.
  7. Recorded experience in evaluation of gender mainstream projects
  8. Preferably prior experience with projects targeting educational policy.
  9. Knowledge of the national/regional and EU public policies targeting prevention of gender-based violence and promote gender equity.

The lowest financial offer won’t be awarded if above criterions are not fulfilled, especial criterions number 3, 5, 6 and 7. These four above listed criteria will bear up to 15% of final evaluation of candidates i.e. up to 60% in total. Financial offer will bear up to 30% while rest of criteria will bear up to 10%.

Application process

If an individual is applying it is necessary to enclose CV with printed hard copies (or e-documents in PDF format on CD) or active web links that indicates experience described in above eligibility section and daily fee/rate per day in euros and the number of days predicted for the work. The Consultant should make a breakdown of costs in the budget part of the proposal, including different activities and types of costs (travel related costs should be included into the budget, if any).  If a company is applying, beside above listed requests, it must enclose proof of tax paid. 

Offers should be submitted by March 13that 4 p.m. to the following address: 

Procurement Team, CARE International Balkans, Hasana Kaimije 11, 71 000 Sarajevo or to the e-mail address [email protected] and [email protected]

The offer that is chosen by CARE International Balkans will be notified in writing by 23rd March 2020. Reports

Following documents have to be submitted in hardcopy and softcopy formats:

End line assessment Report: 

  • Should be no longer than 20 pages without annexes (Arial or Times New Roman, font 11); 
  • Should present disaggregated data based on sex and if feasible ethnicity.
  • The report fulfills the requirements listed in the ToR.

End line assessment summary report:

  • Should be no longer than 5 pages (Arial or Times New Roman, font 11); 

Report should be written in English or local languages (text must be edited free from spelling mistakes and unclear linguistic formulations) based on agreement among CARE and the Consultant.


The coordination between Consultant, partner organization representatives and their data collectors and CARE staff (CARE Balkans and CARE Austria) will be done by CARE Project Manager. 

The Consultant(s) is/are expected to include in his/her application: 

  • Curriculum Vitae (indicating contacts on reference persons from at least three former employees/contractors) 
  • Former evaluation reports or other analytical outputs drafted by the applicant(s).

CARE commits itself to:

  • Prepare and agree on a work-plan with the Consultant(s)
  • Provide support with implementing the data collection. 
  • Coordinate with the Consultant(s) 
  • Provide requested documentation to Consultant(s)
  • Provide logistical support to the Consultant(s)

The Consultant(s) will report to Emilija Milenković Project Manager,  [email protected]  

Annex 1 – Format for Endline Report

Endline Report should include the following chapters:

  • Introduction
  • List of Acronyms
  • Executive Summary
  • Situation analysis (project endline)
  • Methodology applied
  • Findings
  • Conclusions
  • Recommendations

       All data should be disaggregated data based on sex and if feasible ethnicity. 

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