Superdad campaign workshops started

November 20, 2015 Regional and International

ollowing a three day MenCare seminar held in September (Čakovec), we begun on informing the community, whilst workshops in Prelog and Kuršanec have started – three more workshop cycles are being scheduled in Macinec and Čakovec.

Status M delivered a three day seminar (28th-30th Sep) named MenCare – engaging men in achieving gender equality in Međimurje County in partnership with the Institute for Public Health of Međimurje County in Čakovec. The seminar gathered 30 professionals from the Institute of Public Health County of Međimurje, Family Center Čakovec, County Hospital Čakovec, Health Center Čakovec, Center for Social Welfare, Međimurje Police Department, Youth Advisory Board Prelog, professors from the Faculty of Teacher Education University of Zagreb – Čakovec branch and School of Civil engineering and School of Economics and Trade, as well as the teachers from Primary schools Kuršanec, Tomaša Goričanca Mala Subotica, Ivanovec, Pribislavec and Macinec.

The seminar was held by Mr. John Crownover – program consultant for CARE International and long-time associate of Status M with experience of working with programs M (program for working with young boys) and program P (program for working with fathers) in our region.
The seminar concluded with the notion that following steps will be informing the community and working directly with beneficiaries. Therefore, with our great pleasure, we can report that two workshop cycles have started in Prelog and Kuršanec, while three more cycles are beingscheduled for Macinec and Čakovec.

The best evidence for interest being shown among professionals is the number of 38 volunteers that have been involved, and we expect that number to rise with the beggining of workshop cycles still being planned. Besides the already mentioned professionals who attended the seminar in Čakovec, more volunteers from Association „Sfera“, Youth Advisory Board Prelog, Student Association Prelog and Society „Our Children“ Prelog have also gotten involved in the process of planning and conducting the above mentioned workshops.

Workshops in Kuršanec are being held in Family Center Kuršanec, two of which have already been conducted with 9 beneficiaries in total, fathers of mixed age groups. Workshops are being carried out by professionals from Primary schools Kuršanec and Pribislavec, Institute of Public Health County of Međimurje and a professor from the Faculty of Teacher Education University of Zagreb – all with the support of volunteers from Association „Sfera“. In total, there will be 11 workshops held, in line with the program P (program for working with fathers). We already covered the first workshop and conducted the first two activities from the Maunual.

Workshops in Prelog started on Tuesday (17.11.) in Intergenerational Center –Children’s House Prelog with 14 beneficiaries (young couples) attending. They are being carried out by professionals from Institute of Public Health County of Međimurje and Family Center Čakovec, with the support of volunteers from Youth Advisory Board Prelog, Student Association Prelog and Society „Our Children“ Prelog. In total, there will be 11 workshops held, in line with the program P.

There are three more workshop cycles scheduled for January 2016. within the „Budi muško klub“ Čakovec, Primary school in Macinec and Club of Treated Alcoholic’s Čakovec.

The project is being carried out through EEA and Norway grants, coordinated by National Foundation for Civil Society Development.

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