CARE and partner organizations “Youth Power” Mostar, “Association XY” Sarajevo and “Perpetuum Mobile” Banja Luka had a 2 days monitoring and evaluation workshop and operational planning meeting in Neum, in the period from 14-16 July 2015.
CARE International Balkans and its partner organizations from Zagreb, Banja Luka, Beograd, Kosovska Mitrovica, Pristina and Tirana from regional Young Men Initiative project – Boys and Men as Allies in Violence Prevention and Gender Transformation in the Western Balkans, supported by OAK Foundation, Austrian Development Cooperation and CARE Deutschland-Luxemburg are having partners meeting in Vlora, […]
CARE International Balkans and its partner organizations from Zagreb, Banja Luka, Beograd, Kosovska Mitrovica, Pristina and Tirana from regional Young Men Initiative project – Boys and Men as Allies in Violence Prevention and Gender Transformation in the Western Balkans, supported by OAK Foundation, Austrian Development Cooperation and CARE Deutschland-Luxemburg are having partners meeting in Vlora, […]
On Tuesday 16 June 2015, young women and men from the Be a Man Club Mostar organized a ride on bicycles aimed at the promotion of men’s health.
CARE International Balkans local partner in Mostar, youth NGO Youth Power is promoting positive health for boys and men as part of the International Men’s Health Week (15-21th of June 2015). Kicked off a public action in and around the Spanish square, on Tuesday, 16th of June 2015 where brochures were given with 10 tips […]
Predstavljanje projekta “Promovisanje zdravijih životnih stilova među mladima u BiH osporavanjem rodnih stereotipa” te Budi Muško Kluba Mostar koji je dio aktivnosti projekta.
Najava aktivnosti Budi Muško Kluba Mostar povodom obilježavanja Međunarodne sedmice/tjedna zdravlja muškaraca. Isječak iz emisije City TV-a.
Obilježavanje Međunarodne sedmice zdravlja muškaraca je jedna od kreativnih aktivnosti srednjoškolaca okupljenih u Budi Muško Klub Mostar, a u okviru projekta „Promovisanje zdravijih životnih stilova među mladima u BiH osporavanjem rodnih stereotipa“.
For seven years Centre E8 has been implementing the project “Be a Man” in Serbia and profiling itself as an organization that works on violence prevention and promotion of gender equality among young men in high schools but also in the education of teaching staff.
CARE International Balkans partner for Serbia, Center E8 organized the Man2015: Super tata fatherhood conference in Belgrade on May 30th.
CARE partner organizations have jointly organized the third training of trainers for the implementation of the “Program M” methodology of educational workshops with young people.
On 24 April members of the Be a Man Club organized “chalk walk” type of public action in the grammar school St. Sava where, together with other peers, they wrote messages and slogans of BMC in colored chalk.
A roundtable on the subject “Super Dad” was held in the premises of the Institute Perpetuum Mobile. It was attended by 19 participants, representatives of CARE, non-governmental organizations and public institutions of the Republic of Srpska.
CARE partner organization Youth Power, as part of the project “Young Men Initiative – Promoting Healthier Lifestyles Among Youth in Bosnia and Herzegovina by Challenging Gender Stereotypes ” supported by the Government of Switzerland, OAK Foundation and CARE Germany-Luxembourg in Bosnia and Herzegovina has implemented 13 educational workshops in first and second grades of the […]
CARE International Balkans along with its local partner in Kosovo, Peer Educators Network (PEN) launched on May 15th, International Day of the Family, a campaign for engaged Fatherhood and care giving as part of the Boys and Men as Allies in Gender Transformation and Violence Prevention in the Western Balkans, funded by the Austrian Development […]