On the occasion of Zero Discrimination Day, SIT Center held an event that brought together a diverse group of youngsters to watch the captivating movie “The Green Book”.
After the screening, they opened up the floor for an interactive and engaging discussion where attendees shared their personal experiences with discrimination.
The event was a beautiful combination of art, education, and activism, reminding us that we all have a role to play in eradicating discrimination from our society.
“Zero Discrimination Day” is an annual event celebrated on March 1st to promote equality and diversity worldwide.
This year we mark this day under the theme “Stand Together for Zero Discrimination”. This day is observed to raise awareness about discrimination faced by individuals/groups based on their race, gender, sexuality, religion, nationality, age, or any other factor.
This day highlights how people can become informed and promote inclusion, empathy, and above all, a movement for change. Zero Discrimination Day aims to empower people and promote a world that is inclusive, tolerant, and free from discrimination.
This activity is implemented within Young Men Initiative – “Future for You(th): Young People as Leaders of Life Skills Education in the Balkans”, financed by the Austrian Development Agency, Oak Foundation, and implemented by CARE International Balkans.
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