October 28, 2022 News, YMI News

 Together with our partners from Skopje,Center for Research and Policy Making- CRPM, CARE International Balkans will implement project “Young Men Initiative in Gender-Based Violence Prevention in North Macedonia “ 

The goal of implementing YMI project in North Macedonia is to have male youth aged 14-19 hold attitudes and increasingly demonstrate behaviors that support more gender-equitable social norms and discourage gender-based violence

The project will help to build the skills necessary for young men to develop healthy relationships based on gender equality, to understand their physical, sexual and emotional development and to address all forms of violence in their everyday life. 

The implementation strategy includes active engagement of: (1) the local government through local libraries by adding a community center functionality to it; and (2) local CSOs that will through sub-granting mobilize the youth aged 14-19. 

The project is going to last until the end of May 2023 and is supported by the Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs under Dutch development/foreign policy.

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