Documentary “Dear Me: This Is My Story” Has Been Premiered On 12th April In Belgrade, Banja Luka, Tirana, Pristina And Zagreb 

April 27, 2022 YMI News

The documentary “Dear Me: This is My Story”, made within the Young Men Initiative program, has been premiered on 12th April in Belgrade, Banja Luka, Tirana, Pristina and Zagreb.

The film follows three young men and their upbringing: from joining the “Be a Man” club, to becoming activists, ie: educators and youth workers. What they learned about themselves and what about society; what life skills they have adopted within the educational programs of the Young Men Initiative; about the various challenges of their upbringing that they overcame and about the topics they teach today to young men and women talk Denis Hoti, Djordje Trbojevic and Nikola Vesic in the film produced by the E8 Center and Care International.

After the screening of the film, panel discussions were organized where representatives of schools and institutions, but also former and current members of “Be a Man Clubs” had the opportunity to exchange experiences on the impact of the YMI on schools and young people in the region.

The panelists also emphasized the importance of life skills education for future generations in order to develop healthy relationships based on gender equality, to understand their physical and emotional development and to address all forms of violence in their daily lives.

The activity was realized within the project Future for You(th): Young people as Leaders for Life Skills Education in the Balkans, funded by the Austrian Development Agency, the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation and the OAK Foundation, implemented by CARE International Balkans in cooperation with partner organizations from the region.

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