Eggplants in Pajamas talk about porn and its impact on young people

June 23, 2020 Cinema, News

During the coronavirus crisis that changed the way people live and work, Status M launched a youth podcast called Eggplants in Pajamas in which we discuss different topics relevant to the corona crisis.

Young hosts Elizabeta Nemec and Tomislav Jeleković, new volunteers in the Organization Status M, have so far hosted four different experts in their field to talk about Status M, gender equality, pornography and youth, and social versus physical distancing. 

For the introductory episode, they spoke with Status M program coordinator Anamarija Sočo and educator Stipe Nogalo about the mission, vision and work of the organization. In the next episode, they hosted dr. sc. Goran Koletić, the assistant at the Department of Sociology at the Faculty of Humanities and Social sciences of the University of Zagreb, and project assistant in „PROBIOPS“, a project financed by the Croatian Science Foundation on  which dealt with various biological, psychological and sociological aspects of using sexualized media, including pornography, by young people. 

Dr. sc. Koletić pointed out a very stable and common finding in the research of pornography, which refers to the fact that (young) men consume pornography more than (young) women as a result of gender-specific up-bringing and socialization. He also noted that young people most often use pornography as a source of information, but also a reference for the perception of their own appearance or sexual practices, which indicates the need to introduce sex education and media literacy in education, to teach students to critically approach everything they read or watch, be it pornography, a sexualized reality show, or even a newspaper article.

However, in the context of Croatia, there is an increase of religious youth, a lower level of liberal attitudes towards sexuality and a greater resistance to pornography. This leads to a strong polarization in the debates thus further tabooing pornography and challenging an open discussions on various aspects of education to remove the potential harmful effects of pornography.

Four young people, two girls and two boys aged 20 to 25, were also involved in filming this episode to share their opinions and experiences with pornography. This episode will be split into two parts and posted on the Status M YouTube channel, Facebook page and Instagram profile.

The activity is implemented by  Status M within the framework of the Young Men Initiative II – The Men and Boys as Partners in Promoting Gender Equality and prevention of Youth Extremism and Violence in the Balkans project, supported by CARE International Balkans, Austrian Development Cooperation and Oak Foundation

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