We promote healthy lifestyles every day (not just on 7th April, the World Health Day)

April 14, 2020 News

CARE partner organization, Institute for Youth and Community Development “Perpetuum Mobile” from Banja Luka, has been working for years to educate young people to improve their competencies and knowledge, and most importantly – to apply healthy lifestyles.

In 2017 “Program Y” received the European “GENE” award for initiatives promoting positive change (one of the top 10 manuals for non-formal education in Europe).

We adopt healthy habits and styles on our own, over time” say from Perpetuum. A healthy lifestyle requires a balance between physical activity, diet, sufficient sleep and rest, as well as social interaction and a positive mental health dimension. Perpetuum mobile strives to provide information and advice in everyday work with young people on how they can build attitudes and values towards a healthy life. The Perpetuum project team seeks, through joint efforts, to influence responsible youth behavior that can be judged as a healthy lifestyle.

They say from Perpetuum: “We interact with students from Banja Luka primary and secondary schools, as well as with university students, professors and professional staff. In the implementation of project activities, we use the ‘Program Y’ manual for working with young people“.

To further emphasize the importance of promoting healthy lifestyles, and also on the occasion of the World Health Day (7th April), two online activities were organized, namely: 

Be a Man Club (BMC) video on health 

The first workshop in sign language 

On the occasion of the newly emerged, extraordinary, situation caused by the virus COVID-19, young people face many challenges of the mental nature, and one of the preventive measures, namely social distancing, is of great importance for the deterioration of the mental health of young people. In order to help young people with mental health issues, the Perpetuum project team strives to provide as much useful content as possible to young people online. Online content consists of: 

  • BMC meetings (via the Internet);
  • Podcast broadcast intended for young people;
  • Designing various types of “social challenges” on social networks;
  • Creating short videos where young people talk about their experiences during the extraordinary situation;

In the last two and a half years, over 17,000 young people from the Banja Luka region, Tuzla Canton, Zenica-Doboj Canton and Brčko District have directly participated in the activities of Perpetuum.

“We are proud of the figures we reach and the young people who are role models to their peers because we live healthy lifestyles every day, not just on the World Health Day!”, say from the Institute Perpetuum mobile. 

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