Banja Luka promotes healthy lifestyles

October 14, 2019 Program Y, Regional and International, YMI News

For 13 years, the Pereptuum mobile Institute has been dedicated to promoting healthy lifestyles. According to Program Y, as a basis for a methodological approach in our work with young people from Bosnia and Herzegovina and the region, we have implemented a number of projects and activities in this area.

We continue our activities this year, starting 2 projects that will be implemented within the project “Banja Luka Human Person” and the Regional Program of Local Democracy in the Western Balkans (ReLOaD), based on comprehensive educational content from CARE’s Program Y.

The Youth Hall, to the delight of all Banja Luka residents, opened its doors after the first phase of the renovation phase, and solemnly! Representatives of all secondary schools in Banja Luka, Banja Luka City Administration, Mayor of Banja Luka, representatives of assets of high school directors, ministries and civil sector filled the amphitheater of the Youth Center on Wednesday (October 9th) with the desire to get acquainted with the programs in which they will have the opportunity to participate in the next period.

Project coordinators from the Perpetuum mobile Institute had the opportunity to present 2 projects that will be implemented in all 16 secondary schools in Banja Luka in the coming period. It is a project “20,000 Reasons for Promoting Healthy Lifestyles” implemented under the project “Human Face Spa” and “Culture of Dialogue to Healthy Living Habits” implemented under the Regional Local Democracy Program in the Western Balkans, implemented United Nations Development Program and the City of Banja Luka, with funding from the European Union. Both projects use Program Y content as a methodological basis in implementation.

Prior to the presentation of the mentioned projects, Mayor Igor Radojicic told the press that the priorities are caring for children and young people through educational programs, programs in the field of nonviolent behaviour, sexual and reproductive health, than persons of third age with different social engagements and socialization, and persons with disability and special needs.

“We are trying to develop a culture of dialogue among young people to critically, factually substantiate their opinions, to argue and to somehow embark on a form of healthy communication that will also prevent some negative phenomena such as violence or violent communication which can lead to conflicts “. pointed out Ilija Trninić, Executive Director of the Perpetuum Mobile Institute in Banja Luka.

The activity was implemented under the YMI – Young Men Initiative project: “Promoting Healthier Lifestyle among Young People in Bosnia and Herzegovina by Challenging Gender Stereotypes II” and the project: “Men and Boys as Partners in Promoting Gender Equality and Addressing Extremism and Youth Violence in the Western Balkans “, which is supported by the Governments of Switzerland, the OAK Foundation, the Austrian Development Agency and CARE International Bosnia and Herzegovina.

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