Dads on leave – panel discussion on fatherhood and gender equality

December 17, 2018 YMI News

It has been a great pleasure for us to cooperate in the preparation and realization of the panel discussion “Dads on leave: what can employers do?” organized by IKEA Serbia. 

On this occasion, Branko Birač from the Centre E8 presented the results related to fatherhood and caregiving from the IMAGES research Serbia and spoke about our campaign Super Dad and the global Men Care Network. Marina Blagojević Hughson, our longtime associate and author of the IMAGES research Serbia, also looked back at some of the results and highlighted the changes at the micro level that led to the increasing engagement of fathers from generation to generation.

IKEA has recently introduced a one-month paid leave for fathers, which greatly contributes to the satisfaction of both parents and children. “IKEA as a humanistic company believes that every individual deserves equal rights and opportunities. Therefore, it values the balance between private and business life,” says Aleksandra Triantafyllidou, HR Director at IKEA Southeast Europe. The right to a one-month paid leave for dads is a clear attitude that this company values the time of colleagues and encourages employees to achieve gender equality both at work and at home.

Robert Čoban, the father of two children and the owner of the publishing company Color Press Group, Gordana Nikić, psychotherapist, and Miša Stojiljković, host of the show “Daddy, you’re crazy” and a psychologist, talked about the importance of fatherhood, quality time spent with children, division of house chores and caregiving and upbringing of children.

IKEA believes that paid leave for fathers is a multiple gain for a more equitable society and for the business. That is why this Swedish furniture maker and global employer wants to increase the understanding among employees of the importance of sharing the roles at home, and to make it easier for their female partners to return to work, believing that colleagues will return from leave even more motivated to work.

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