Prishtine March for Women’s Rights

March 8, 2018 Regional and International

Today marking International Women’s Day, instead of celebrating the “Be a Man Club” with the #CountMeIn slogan, marched for women’s rights, against gender discrimination, stereotypes, and gender-based violence.
Young boys and girls of the club joined the “MARShojmë S’festojmë” initiative, which was organized by volunteers, members of civil society, collective of individuals and organizations that was held at Zahir Pajaziti main square in Prishtina.

Days before the 8th of March, the “Be a Man Club” volunteers have been gathered to discuss ideas about activities for this day and how to tell others about the value of our women and girls. The ideas, their thoughts and the willingness to be engaged for this day was so impressive. So, our volunteers decided that except involvement in the march for the 8th of March, to create a video by themselves, calling for gender equality, telling others that they need to everyday fighting for women’s rights, all women need to realize their worth in this world, and to not use only the 8th of March to express love for women and girls, but to love them every day.

Our motto for this day was: “I pledge never to remain silent about violence against women!” Today our volunteers protested with posters in their hands, to have better days for our women and girls and pledging that they will never stop fighting to bring gender equality in this society.

The “Be a Man Club” march was organized within the project “The Men and Boys as Partners in Promoting Gender Equality and prevention of Youth Extremism and Violence in the Balkans”, implemented by CARE International Balkans in partnership with Peer Educators Network (PEN) and supported by the Austrian Development Agency and OAK Foundation #CountMeIn.


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