Dear daddy

December 17, 2016 Cinema, YMI News

Within our “Super Dad” campaign we have done adaptation and voice-over on Serbian of “Dear daddy” video, a very strong and emotional short film, developed by CARE Norway, that sends a strong message about the problem of violence against women and the need for prevention from an early age.

This video has set a record on Center E8’s Youtube channel with over 30.500 views so far. Also, a reach of “Dear daddy” posts on our Facebook page is more than 134.300 people, while its Facebook interactions involved over 5000 people. During November of 2016, the campaign “Super Dad” and its new publication, photo exhibition and this video clip have appeared 23 times in media, including twice on the national TV RTS and on Balkan regional TV N1.

“Dear daddy” video represents an appeal to fathers around the world and within its 5 minutes follows the life of a girl, where everything starts before she’s even born – the voice of an unborn girl sends a message to father that he should influence people and work on prevention of violence against women, long before it occurs. Message for fathers is also that they should do more – not only to protect their daughters from physical dangers but also to work on changing harmful attitudes that are present in our society. “Dear Daddy” video has a powerful and at the same time unpleasant message that domestic/partner violence and sexual violence have very deep roots. What begins as a harmless joke among boys, can later become a norm in the life of a grown man. Something that was “just fun” can become a way he experiences women in his life and how he relates to them.

“Super Dad” campaign activities are implemented by Center E8 and supported by UNFPA in Serbia and CARE International Balkans.

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