Flash-mob event to raise awareness on domestic violence in North Kosovo

December 14, 2016 YMI News

CARE partners organization, Youth Educational Club Synergy, within Young Men Initiative – Boys and Men as Allies in Violence Prevention and Gender Transformation in the Western Balkans. supported by OAK Foundation, CARE, and UNFPA, conducted a street flash-mob event which took many of North Kosovska Mitrovica’a citizens by surprise.
On the 3rd of December 2016, five of Synergy’s Be a Man Club Theater Play Group’s actresses were covered in makeup as if to indicate they were heavily beaten.
Each of them carried a sign of the usual kinds of approval by women who suffer domestic violence: ‘He didn’t hit me hard. It’s my fault’, ‘I have to put up with this because of my children’, etc. This is one of Synergy’s most noted public activity which provoked both positive and negative comments.

People were both giving commendations for raising awareness on this topic, but there were also those who gave comments such as ‘Why weren’t you obedient?’ This activity reached thousands of Facebook users. Additionally, we have created a video campaign which reached 1,500 views in only two days.

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