Tour of the theatre play “Macho Men” in Germany

December 16, 2014 Regional and International

The premiere of the theatre play “Macho Men” took place for the first time in JFE “Anna Landsberger” in Berlin on Monday and Tuesday, 8 and 9 December. Immediately after Berlin, on Wednesday 10 December, the play was performed in Dresden in the “Schauburg Dresden – Filmkultur & mehr”.

The audience has embraced the play warmly and after each performance of the play the audience had the opportunity to talk with the actors.

In addition to acting in the theatre play, the crew of the play “Macho Men” had the opportunity to visit the German Parliament and the Holocaust Museum in Berlin. In Dresden, they met with the President of the Council for Gender Equality at the Town Hall in Dresden and with representatives of local NGO “Escape Dresden (Anti-violence group for male)”.

The play “Macho Men” was played in Berlin and Dresden within the project  called “The role of man in building gender equal and violence free Europe”. The study visit was aimed at the exchange of good practice in working with young men, gender equality and prevention of gender-based violence. It was organized from 5-11 December and supported by the EU Erasmus plus program. The study visit was organized by the Roter Baum organization from Berlin.


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