
Future for Youth

The momentum for a change in the Balkans has come and we need to join our efforts and experience into one Social Movement aimed at addressing violence prevention, gender equality, life skills education and promotion of healthy lifestyles among young people across the Balkans.

Future4Youth Movement gathered around Young Men Initiative aims to bring diverse voices of civil society, informal citizens groups, parents, teachers and other supporters around the same goal – to address and advocate for violence prevention, gender equality, life skills and health education in schools across Balkans.

We develop and seek for partnerships with all well-intentioned, dedicated and consistent individuals and organizations and institutions, especially youth and their parents, teachers, peer educators, sports and social workers, pedagogues, psychologists, activists, members of academia who share the same vision and values to achieve the goals.

The next activities that we plan in 2021 and beyond are:

  • Promoting, mainstreaming and gathering support for Future4Youth Declaration
  • Forming of thematic groups of interested individuals and organisations in each country and community
  • Organizing consultations and meetings to get inputs and ideas from Future4Youth supporters
  • Drafting recommendations on country and regional level
  • Intensive advocacy towards our respected governments to include Life Skills, Gender Equality, Violence Prevention and Health education in all schools across the Balkans

Join us! Let’s make this change together!

November 17th, 2020 – CARE International Balkans and organisations gathered around Young Men Initiative have organized online regional event titled “Future for Youth” to officially launch regional movement around healthy lifestyles, nonviolence and gender equality in the region.

The online conference gathered teachers, parents, Be a Man Club members, NGO and media representatives as well as representatives of ministries of education to discuss and showcase progress and successes of the Young Men Initiative and to trigger debate around best solutions for educational reforms that Program Y brings to school environments.

Watch Conference:

Banja Luka

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